
Embrace Your Authentic "Normal" And Shift to Pain-Free, PMS-Free, Regular-Length Menstrual Cycles.

Your Journey to Period Freedom Starts Here

Does this resonate?


"I've tried everything, but nothing seems to work for my severe cramps"

Heavy Flow

"My heavy bleeding is affecting my work and social life. I need a solution"


"I feel like my moods are controlling me during PMS. I just want to feel stable"


"I never know when my period is going to show up and I don't want to use Birth Control. It's so frustrating!"

Imagine if every month, your period came and went without any pain or discomfort. No more cramps that leave you doubled over in agony, no more headaches or backaches that make it difficult to focus on your daily tasks. Instead, you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day, knowing that your body is in perfect harmony. You can enjoy your favorite activities, go to work or socialize with friends without the worry of your menstrual cycle interfering with your plans. Being pain-free during your periods means reclaiming your time and energy, allowing you to fully engage in all aspects of your life.

THIS is my reality and it can easily be yours! 

The 1:1 Holistic Shift Program

This is a high-touch, specialized 1:1 program offered to six participants per year.

- 60 days of very short learnings

- Access to Christine Marie, The Period Empress, on Voxer

- Access to the symptoms tracker to mark improvement

- Period problems stop and stay stopped as a result of this process

3-Months of Highly Intentional Shift to Pain-Free, PMS-Free, Regular-Length Cycles


  • Gain a comprehensive knowledge of your menstrual cycle, allowing you to make informed decisions and take proactive steps towards achieving pain-free periods, regular cycles, and a harmonious hormonal balance.
  • Feel empowered and supported as you navigate your unique journey to balance your hormones, alleviate PMS symptoms, and find natural solutions for your period problems. Access to Christine Marie's expertise ensures that you never have to face the challenges of your menstrual cycle alone.
  • Experience a renewed sense of control and confidence as you witness the tangible improvements in your period symptoms. This comprehensive system of tracking allows you to take charge of your menstrual health and make informed decisions based on real data.
  • Find relief from debilitating period pain, say goodbye to irregular cycles, and regain control over your hormonal health. Experience the transformative power of a natural, holistic approach that allows you to live your life fully, without the burdens of period problems holding you back.
On Demand Training

$45/per month

  • group classes
  • 20 sessions valid for one month
  • Try any of our classes
  • Full Online Support
On Demand Training

$30/per month

  • group classes
  • 18 sessions valid for one month
  • Try any of our classes
  • Full Online Support
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Are you ready?

Are you ready to reclaim your power and break free from the chains of discomfort and pain during your menstrual cycles? You deserve to live a life free from the inconsistencies and unpredictability that come with your period. Say goodbye to heavy bleeding and prolonged periods, and embrace a balanced hormonal flow like never before. 

As The Period Empress, I am here to guide you on a transformative journey. The 1:1 Holistic Shift with The Period Empress is a 12-week private experience that will change your life. Together, we will work through weekly private coaching sessions and voxer coaching, providing you with the support and guidance you need on this empowering path.

Through coaching, meditation, light yoga, and daily learning modules in the online course, you will uncover the secrets to healing your body and shifting into a state of hormonal equilibrium. In just 10 minutes a day, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. With the power of journaling, you will unleash your inner wisdom and uncover your true potential.

Imagine a life where your daily eating experience is free from sacrifice, where you intuitively choose what nourishes your body and soul. Picture yourself engaging in an exercise and feeding regimen that is inspired by your inner guidance, allowing your body to thrive. And let's not forget about your relationship with time and people. It's time to embrace abundance in all areas of your life, and I will be there every step of the way.

You are not alone on this journey. Together, we will create a sacred space where you can heal, grow, and blossom into the empowered woman you were always meant to be. Say yes to a life free from the confines of pain and discomfort. Say yes to The 1:1 Holistic Shift with The Period Empress.Don't waste another moment living in a state of imbalance. Join me now and unlock the door to a vibrant, joyful, and fulfilling life. You deserve it.

Curious? Schedule a Chat with Christine Marie, feel the synergy, explore the fit. 

I almost lost everything to period problems.

If I can do it, you can do it. 

Holding space for you and with you now. 


Let’s Help Our Daughters Reclaim Their Period Power at School

Three Ways To Treat (STOP) Period Pain: Now

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do. Begin it. 

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." 

--WH Murray quoting Goethe