
About Christine Marie Quigless, The Period Empress

When I shifted myself out of period pain and took back: my shame, time, sick days, disappointment, the threat of a premature hysterectomy, my lowered fertility rates, unnecessary expenditures, and the unnecessary experimentation on my body, of course, I wanted to help all people suffering from period problems to get those same wins and more. 

I never thought my painful periods would stop and expected to go on psychiatric meds for my PMS, and instead of that, now, I look forward to EVERY phase of my very-regular cycle, including Menstruation. 

When I developed Fierce Gentleness™ , I only meant to shift sufferers out of pain, but living a more holistically fulfilling life is an inextricable part of the shift. A non-medical solution to what has proven itself to be a non-medical problem. 

Because I showed up for me, now I can show up for you, and that is one of the greatest gifts of my life. 

ICF Coach (ACC)

Why I Made The 1:1 Container?

At Steady + Free, we are dedicated to Awareness and creating easy access for people who want to switch to pain-free, PMS-free, regular-length cycles, and for this reason, we offer The Collective experience. Some women want something more. They want exclusivity, they want a highly-intentional and personalized 1:1 experience, they want to be held through their shift. If seeing this makes you want to do a "happy dance", this program is for you!



Let me share with you the story of why I created The 1:1 Holistic Shift with The Period Empress. It all started with a personal journey, a path filled with pain, confusion, and frustration. But through it all, I found hope, healing, and a deep calling to help others do the same.

For years, I experienced excruciating period pain that would leave me curled up in bed, unable to carry on with my daily life. I sought answers from doctors, but their suggestions often left me feeling defeated. Conventional medicine offered temporary relief, but it didn't address the root cause of my problems. I knew there had to be a better way.

So, I delved into the world of holistic healing and natural remedies. I immersed myself in research, consulted with experts, and experimented with different methods. And slowly but surely, I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel.Through my journey, I discovered that our bodies are incredible, wise, and resilient. They have the innate ability to heal themselves if given the right tools and support. 

I realized that every woman's journey is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. That's why I knew I had to create something personal, something tailored to each individual.And so, The 1:1 Holistic Shift with The Period Empress was born. It is a private sanctuary where women can find solace, guidance, and companionship on their own healing journeys. It is a space where we celebrate the power of our cycles instead of viewing them as a burden. It is a place where we learn to listen to our bodies, honor them, and reclaim our health.

I created this program for women like me—women who deserve to live pain-free lives, women who long for regular-cycles, women who want to alleviate the symptoms of PMS without relying on conventional medicine. It is for women who want to feel empowered, in control of their own health, and connected to their bodies in a profound way, and who want someone to hold their hands through the shift. 

Through The 1:1 Holistic Shift, we dive deep into the world of holistic healing, exploring various practices such as learning to listen to your body's distinct language, meditation, cycle syncing, menstrual alignment, light yoga, meditation, journaling, and leaning into our innate physiological strengths. Together, we uncover the root causes of period problems and develop personalized strategies to address them. 

This container is for each woman to partner 1:1 with Christine Marie to take charge of their health and make choices that align with their unique needs.

Seen + Heard

Nice to meet you!

My name is Christine Marie Quigless

I developed a pragmatically driven, zero-substance, which = zero-risk, solution, to eradicate pain, PMS, and symptoms of Graduated Period Problems through my proprietary system, Fierce Gentleness™ . The results of my work on myself (I am Case Study 3: ovary removal, debilitating cramps, extremely volatile PMS) and my clients prove that the womb is not broken, just out of balance, so we balance it and up-level our lives in the process. 

We help you:

  • Regulate menstrual cycles and manage PMS symptoms effectively, providing a sense of control and relief.
  • Alleviate perimenopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and disrupted sleep, allowing women to regain their energy and vitality.
  •  Reduce menstrual cramps and find natural remedies and techniques to improve the overall quality of life during periods.
  • Enhance libido and sexual desire, helping women reconnect with their sexuality and improve their intimate relationships.
  • Support fertility journey by optimizing reproductive health and increasing chances of conceiving, providing hope and guidance during the process.
  • Manage stress and find balance in their lives, allowing women to improve their emotional well-being and prevent burnout in their busy professional lives.

“When we live in a way that encourages our distinct innate strengths as women, we nurture menstrual order. I help you re-remember and use your power--it is mighty. ”

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