There are many things about a menstruation cycle, how long it will be, how much menstrual shedding you will experience, how often you get your periods, etc. The period cycle is different for each woman; it tells about your health differently. Your menstruation cycle plays a pivotal role in determining your health report each month, and you just cannot ignore the signs an irregular period cycle brings with it.

Believe it or not, but your period cycle and the menstrual shedding tell you a lot about your health status, and since a menstruation cycle is a vital phase of a woman’s existence, you need to carefully observe what’s going there inside your body through the shedding.

At this point, you need to understand that ovulation takes the pivotal spot in determining your menstrual cycle, and without it, your body will undergo extreme hormonal changes. What makes a woman distinctive from other gender is the onset of ovulation that later causes the menstruation cycle. During ovulation, the woman’s body produces progesterone which is responsible for protecting your body from various health complications which are not negligible.

Ovulation - Signs of Healthy Menstrual Cycle

Your progesterone level prepares your body for egg fertilization and strengthens your pelvis for labor during pregnancy. A healthy period cycle determines that the progesterone level is stimulated at its best and that your reproductive system is provided with a healthy environment.

Although there is no such thing as a perfect period cycle, there are a few indicators you may look for to see if your period cycle is healthy. Let’s learn the signs of a healthy menstrual cycle and how these are associated with our bodies.

Menstrual Shedding Only During the Period Days

An indicator of a healthy periods cycle is that menstrual shedding occurs only during 4 to 7 days of our periods, and no extra shedding occurs other than those specific days. If the menstrual shedding is irregular during the periods, it might indicate that your body has certain deficiencies and that the progesterone level is considerably low. The heavy flow potentially leads to anemia which is why the irregularity should not be avoided. Most of the time, the type of birth control pill or STDs leads to spotting other than the period days.

No Pre-Menstrual Tension

No Pre-Menstrual Tension

If your body does not take the stress of upcoming periods cycle and you are not bothered by the onset of periods, this indicates that your body is happy and your hormones are stimulating in a healthy environment. You probably know many women suffering through pre-menstrual mood swings, food cravings, bloating, irregular bowel movements, and emotional changes; somehow, these changes depict the disturbance in the body.

However, if you are not experiencing any of these symptoms, it means that your body is healthy and that there is no period’s hormonal fluctuation to distress you both physically and mentally.

Quick Read: Orange for Menstruation

No Period Pains

We know that some of you might be of the opinion that the pain exuding during the period’s cycle is absolutely normal while it is not. Although discomfort in the abdominal or pelvic region is okay to some extent, if it increases deliberately, you need to take it seriously. If your periods are pain-free, it signals a happy body and a healthy reproductive system.

Almost over 90% of women of reproductive age suffer from menstrual cramps, especially in the pelvic and lower abdomen, due to muscle contractions. If the cramps become severe, it can affect your ability to conceive in the future. This is why in case of severe cramps, you must consult your doctor to prevent serious complications later.

Menstrual Shedding is of Healthy Red Color

Menstrual Shedding is of Healthy Red Color

If the uterus shedding you experience during the periods is of dark red color without any clots, it means ample blood circulation inside the uterus. Also, the dark red blood shows that it is fresh and has not been there in the uterus for longer. The heavier uterus shedding that is rusty brown or grey signals towards uterus or vaginal infection that need immediate consultation. Clotting during menstruation indicates poor blood circulation that later disturbs the reproductive system.

The Menstrual Shedding Span is Between 4 to 7 days.

Normal periods last for 4 to 7 days, with the menstrual shedding gradually decreasing. If your periods last more than that or lead to spots, it indicates a low progesterone level and unhealthy blood circulation into the uterus.

Wrap up

Your menstrual cycle is a clear indicator of your reproductive health. A healthy woman’s menstrual cycle can last around 21 to 35 days. During each period, you should anticipate bleeding for three to seven days. If bleeding goes beyond that, you must discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider. Any irregularity in the period cycle means an underlying health complication needs to be addressed sooner. 

About the Author Christine-Marie Quigless

Christine Marie Quigless, developed a pragmatically driven, zero-substance, which = zero-risk, solution, to eradicate pain, PMS, and symptoms of Graduated Period Problems through her proprietary system, Fierce Gentleness™ . The results of her work on herself (She is Case Study 3: endometriosis diagnosis, ovary removal, debilitating cramps, extremely volatile PMS) and her clients prove that the womb is not broken, just out of balance, so we balance it and up-level our lives in the process. Once we leverage the power of our periods, they become our unfair advantage in every facet of our lives--living our way into multi-purpose-driven lives and cultivating resilience in the process starts (literally) within.

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